Life is crap.
Personally, I have come to acknowledge death for what it really is. It is an eventuality. The same way we have life is the same way we wouldn't have it. People die every day and being alive is basically outliving every one else that dies. Its like we've already gotten to the future and it is bizarre. Trump's the US president, the Kardashians have kids, We owe trillions in debt and we're borrowing more and Bobi Wine is Museveni's biggest headache. Don't even get me started on the highway robbery that is mutura these days.
I've lost a cousin and my grandmother this year. There's probably people who've lost a lot more. When you hear someone you know has died, its like the realities of life stab you in the chest while whispering 'life is shit' in your ear. Life isn't really that great but loosing isn't a great prospect. I would want to linger for a little while even if it's just to watch the hot mess of a reality we are living in. People don't say this enough. What a time to be alive. It's basically the same shit everyday but who doesn't love reruns.
It is said that life is a race with no finish line but everyone wants to win. Or perhaps you could argue that we're no more than hamsters in a cage- running as fast as we can yet stuck in the same place until we die. I think if you're alive, that means you're not dead and if you're dead, you're definately not alive. Ideally, we live when we're alive and die when we're dead or whatever else makes sense to you or doesn't. There isn't really a point in understanding without acceptance first. Atleast we get to exist and maybe that's all that matters.
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